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A Dissertation on Leadership - During World War One a dissertation on leadership was given to the student-officers of the Second Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, by Major C. A. Bach, a quiet, unassuming army officer acting as an instructor. This is one of the finest lessons on leadership ever recorded. Read more ...
So You Want to be a Project Manager - In our first of 2 articles So You Want To Be A Project Manager... we look at what skills it takes to become a Project Manager. We identify the 6 key skills required to be a successful project manager, and explain why these are more important than qualifications. In our follow up article, we look at these 6 skills in more detail, and advise how you can acquire, learn or improve these skills, in order to become a more successful project manager. Read more ....
The Art of War and Project Management - The Art of War is an influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy considered to be a prime example of Taoist strategy. But Sun Tzu also teaches about leadership, team building, and what makes a good leader. This article looks at what can we learn from this book to make us better Managers. Read more ....